(Big Apple Slices)
Zoe Byszynski
I like the city from a distance
when i'm not in it.
You can try to get away from it.
To carry nothing except the clohtes on your back
and the pit in your stomach
As you look for solutions in the landscape,
the cracks in the sidewalk,
the gutter,
You realize the sunsets look the same,
the lines in the supermarket are just as long,
and milk still spoils if you keep it out.
Displated in my mind
Twisting you inch by inch
Switching you frame by frame
Salting you to the taste
Keeping you- in concept
I know you enough to invade your bed,
but not enough to keep you awake.
Just because the line from me to you is taught,
doesn't make the ground any closer.
Leaving who I was at the first step,
doesn't mean I'll love you more at my last.
You could've met me in the middle,
but where's there to go from there
besides the 2,000 feet below us.
You've made me too good for you.
You're younger,
But you smile just as brightly
At this girl
she looks familiar,
But I've only seen her through glass
In a puddle,
Or the back of my spoon at some worn down diner.
And though you're smiling at her,
Your eyes are fixed past her
At this boy.
Who you've never met besides in the back of your eyelids.
The four of us delicately longing.
It's admirable,
The lies we tell each other out of love
But never in it.